(Talking With Your Kids About Alcohol) is a unique, award-winning program developed by the
Prevention Research Institute designed for parents of school-aged children (grades K-12).
Its goal is to teach parents an effective, common sense approach to talking about
alcohol use and abuse with their children. Parents are given the latest research
information plus a unique five-step model designed to reduce the risk of having any kind
of alcohol problem for a lifetime. Parents are given the opportunity during the 9-hour
program to practice not only what to say, but how to say it. T.W.Y.K.A.A.s persuasive communication
techniques are especially designed to be effective with our resistant teen population.
This is confirmed by follow-up studies that show that T.W.Y.K.A.A. actually changes childrens
attitudes and behavior about alcohol use. The T.W.Y.K.A.A. classes are offered locally periodically
throughout the year.